Saturday, February 12, 2011

Artist Statement

I consider myself an explorer and adventurer.  I have always been interested in learning about and exposing myself to different cultures, languages and ways of understanding things, as well as trying to see things from different vantage points.   My favorite thing to do is travel, something I can never get enough of.  I have traveled in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, New Zealand, the US and Canada; I aspire to continue to travel, and to see, do and experience as much as possible. 

In addition to travel I also love film, both fiction and non-fiction.  For many years I have wanted to make a documentary film, only I felt I couldn’t come up with a good, interesting, original idea, or more correctly perhaps I wasn’t motivated enough or didn’t have the courage to just do it.  I have decided that the time has come to finally explore this deep-seated interest, passion and desire of mine, and to express myself within this medium.  Although I have always wanted to work in film, as I see it as more pure and authentic than video, given the facility and less cumbersome nature of the latter, however, I believe it will be more practical and less burdensome for me to work in video. 

I am passionate and have a great love and respect for the arts, including film, theater, painting, photography and literature, as they are modes of expression that capture the essence of life.  I also have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and intellectual pursuits.  In addition to my interest in the arts, which fuel my creative side, I am inspired by nature, history and culture.  Influenced deeply by having spent a great deal of time in Israel, and having lived their from 1993-1999 subsequent to completing a Master’s degree in Middle Eastern Studies, I hope to make films dealing with aspects of Israeli and Arab society. 


  1. The time has come Erica! Get yourself to the Middle East and make a movie!

  2. Wow, you have traveled to a lot of different places!! That's where your inspiration will come from! Can't wait to see your future work!

  3. I am eagerly waiting to see your documentry.

  4. It would be nice to see a documentary. Hope you find a way to make your dreams come true

  5. Must be a brand new experience to make a documentary, I wouldn't even know where to start. Thats cool you have traveled so much, I think everyone should travel as much as possible. Taking pictures in foreign places saves the memories forever!

  6. I've always wanted to travel to far away lands
